67 published, in press or submitted articles in peer-reviewed journals
9 peer-reviewed reviews
4 book chapter
1 book (editor)
160 published abstracts
Original Reports
(last 5 years)
Bold names are graduate students, postdocs students or research associates supervised by Dre H. Girouard.
Youwakim, J.; Vallerand, D.; Girouard, H. Neurovascular Coupling in Hypertension Is Impaired by IL-17A through Oxidative Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2023, 24, 3959. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24043959.
Badji A, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H. Relationship between arterial stiffness index, pulse pressure and magnetic resonance imaging markers of white matter integrity: A UK Biobank study. Front. Aging Neurosci., 2022, 14:856782, doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2022.856782.
Badji A, Pereira JB, Shams S, Skoog J, Marseglia A, Poulakis K, Rydén L, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Kern S, Zettergren A, Wahlund L-O, Girouard H, Skoog I, Westman E. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, brain structural and cognitive performances between normotensive and hypertensive controlled, uncontrolled and untreated 70-year-old adults. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022, 13: 777475, doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.777475.
Noriega de la Colina, A; Badji, A; Lamarre-Cliche, M; Bherer, L; Girouard, H; Kaushal, N. Arterial stiffness and age moderate the association between physical activity and global cognition in older adults. J.Hypertension, 2022, 40:245–253. doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000003000.
Li L, Tong X-K, Hosseini Kahnouei M, Vallerand D, Hamel E, and Girouard, H. Impaired hippocampal neurovascular coupling in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.71544.
Boily M, Li L, Vallerand D, Girouard H. Angiotensin II disrupts neurovascular coupling by potentiating calcium increases in astrocytic endfeet. JAHA. 2021, doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020608.
Noriega de la Colina A, Badji A, Robitaille-Grou MC, Gagnon C, Boshkovski T, Lamarre-Cliche M, Joubert S, Gauthier CJ, Bherer L, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H. Associations Between Relative Morning Blood Pressure, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Memory in Older Adults Treated and Controlled for Hypertension. Hypertension. 2021 May 5;77(5):1703-1713. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.16124
Langeard A, Fakrahnak Z, Vrinceanu T, Noriega de la Colina A, Pothier K, Berryman N, Vu TTM, Girouard H, Karelis AD, Bherer L. Sex-moderated association between body composition and cognition in older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2020 Jun 16;138:111002. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2020.111002.
Badji A, Noriega de la Colina A, Karakuzu A, Duval T, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Parizet M, Joubert S, Bherer L, Lamarre-cliche M, Stikov N, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H. Arterial Stiffness Cut-Off Value and White Matter Integrity in the Elderly. Neuroimage Clin. 2020; 26: doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102007
Badji A, Noriega de la Colina A, Boshkovski T, Sabra D, Karakuzu A, Robitaille-Grou MC, Gros C, Joubert S, Bherer L, Lamarre-Cliche M, Stikov N, Gauthier CJ, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Impact of Arterial Stiffness on the Corpus Callosum, a Key White Matter Tract Implicated in Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020, 77(2):591-605, doi: 10.3233/JAD-200668.
Muhire G, Iulita MF, Vallerand D, Youwakim J, Gratuze M, Petry FR, Planel E, Ferland G, Girouard H. Arterial Stiffness Due to Carotid Calcification Disrupts Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation and Leads to Cognitive Deficits. JAHA. 2019; 8 (9):e011630: DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.118.011630.
Badji A, Noriega de la Colina A, Karakuzu A, Duval T, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Joubert S, Bherer L, Lamarre-Cliche M, Stikov N, Girouard H, Cohen-Adad J. Arterial stiffness and white matter integrity in the elderly: A diffusion tensor and magnetization transfer imaging study. NeuroImage. 2019, 186: 577-585. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroImage.2018.11.015
Noriega De La Colina A, Wu R, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Badji A, Lamarre-Cliche M, Doyon J, Bherer L, and Girouard H. Diurnal blood pressure loads are associated with lower cognitive performances in controlled-hypertensive elderly individuals. J. Hypertension. 2019; 37 (11): 2168-2179; DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000002155
Girouard H, Munter LM. The many faces of vascular cognitive impairment. J. Neurochemistry. 2018; 144(5):509-512.
Lefebvre J, Delafontaine-Martel P, Pouliot P, Girouard H, Descoteaux M, Lesage F. Fully automated dual-resolution serial OCT aimed at dMRI validation in whole mouse brains. Neurophotonics. 2018; 5(4): 045004.
Iulita MF, Duchemin S, Vallerand D, Barhoumi T, Alvarez F, Istomine R, Laurent C, Youwakim J, Paradis P, Arbour N, Piccirillo CA, Shiffrin E, Girouard H. CD4+ Regulatory T lymphocytes prevent impaired cerebral blood flow in angiotensin II-induced hypertension. JAHA. 2018; 8(1): e009372.
Iulita MF, Vallerand D, Beauvillier M, Haupert N, Ulysse CA, Gagné A, Vernoux N, Duchemin S, Boily M, Tremblay ME, Girouard H. Differential effects of angiotensin II and blood pressure on hippocampal inflammation in mice. J. Neuroinflammation. 2018; 15(1):62.
Sadekova N, Iulita MF, Vallerand D, Muhire G, Bourmoum M, Claing A, Girouard H. Arterial stiffness, induced by carotid calcification, leads to cerebral inflammation mediated by oxidative stress. J. Hypertension. 2018; 36(2): 286-298
Badji A, Youwakim J, Cooper A, Westman E, Marseglia A. Vascular cognitive impairment – Past, present, and future challenges. Ageing Res Rev. 2023, 90:102042, doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2023.102042.
Youwakim J and Girouard H. Inflammation: a mediator between hypertension and neurodegenerative diseases. Am J Hypertens 2021,
hpab094. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpab094.
Badji A, Sabra D, Bherer L, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H, Gauthier CJ. Arterial Stiffness and Brain Integrity: A Review of MRI Findings. Ageing Res Rev. 2019, 53:100907, doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2019.05.001.
Iulita MF, Noriega de la Colina A, Girouard H. Arterial stiffness, cognitive impairment and dementia: confounding factor or real risk? Journal of Neurochemistry. 2018; 144(5) : 527-548.
Invited review. Ferretti MT, Iulita MF, Cavedo E, Chiesa PA, Schumacher Dimech A, Santuccione Chadha A, Baracchi F, Girouard H, Misoch S, Giacobini E, Depypere H, Hampel H; Sex differences in Alzheimer disease-The gateway to precision medecine. Women’s Brain Project and the Alzheimer Precision Medicine Initiative. 2018; Nature Reviews Neurology, 14: 457–469, doi: 10.1038/s41582-018-0032-9.
Invited review. Bloch S, Obari D, Girouard H, Angiotensin and neurovascular coupling: beyond hypertension. Microcirculation. 2015 Av;22(3):159-67
Book Chapter
Iulita MF, Girouard H. Treating hypertension to prevent cognitive decline and dementia: re-opening the debate. (Md. Shahidul Islam Ed) 2017 Springer International Publishing AG, NY, NY, USA.
Obari D, Ozturk-Ozcelik S, Girouard H, Hamel E. Cognitive dysfunction and dementia in animal models. Hypertension and the brain as an end-organ target. (H. Girouard Ed). 2016 Springer International Publishing AG, NY, NY, USA.
Oremus M, Girouard H, Raina P. A systematic review of reviews to examine the association between hypertension and cognitive impairments in adults. Hypertension and the brain as an end-organ target. (H. Girouard Ed). 2016 Springer International Publishing AG, NY, NY, USA.
Tabatabaei SN and Girouard H. Nitric Oxide and Cerebrovascular Regulation. Volume “Nitric acid” (G. Litwack Ed.) 2014 Vitamins and Hormones, Volume 96:47-385. Academic Press, Elsevier, Waltham, MA, USA. One of our figures is on the front page.